Lower emissions with the ABCAT®

The ABCAT® HOTTUB makes it possible to burn a wood fired hottub stove with fewer emissions. The catalytic converter in the ABCAT® tackles harmful and annoying particles in the wood smoke.

As a result, the emissions of particulate matter, harmful compounds and odor are significantly reduced.

To the ABCAT® HOTTUB website ↗

What is important?

An external hottub stove with baffle plate, a flue of at least 2m, appropriate fuel and proper operation are important. The better this basic situation, the better the ABCAT® can function.

Read the ABCAT® HOTTUB manual for more on this or inform with your salesperson.

Download the ABCAT® HOTTUB Handbook here


The ABCAT® HOTTUB has been developed especially for external wood fired hottub stoves.

There is one version, which can be fitted to different connecting sizes using custom adapters. This makes the ABCAT® HOTTUB suitable for most wood fired hottub stoves.